Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Inspirational Vitamins For Personality Development...

Thank you for joining me again for the detail tips....

Change your Thinking habits:

A person who always entertain positive and healthy thoughts is a rationalize person. He is wise, reasonable, intelligent and the likes. Rationality make a person plan his objective with an intelligent

thoughts and action. Positive thoughts are a great asset. So let us learn to adopt the tips of a rationalize person below :-
  • A rational person is always an optimist, who will convert weakness into strength.
  • A rational person will takes failure as a pillar to success. He learn from his mistakes.
  • A rational person sees difficulty as an opportunity etc. He understand that when one door closes another opens.
  • A rational person always trust life. He is alert to insecurity instead of being worried. He acts and be creative upon problems rather than complain or blame. He takes control over the blame-game and so Stop blaming. He take charge and act maturely.
  • A rational person will build relationships which are strong and make it a long lasting one which consequently contributing to growth and development.
As a person, one has to know how to tackle life and float in it rather than fight with life. You can't fight the waves however you can learn to float on it.
Thus, Rationality is a sure sign of maturity making one rise up in self esteem and gain recognition from the world.

Attitude is a person's outlooks, thoughts and feelings, manners, mindsets ,which leads to responses to different performance or action in terms of behavior.
Attitude as an inner traits, plays a major role in a battle field of defeat and victory, convert difficulty into opportunities but by the flip of a coin, even a last minute of negativity can lead to failure or missed opportunities. Thus, one should learn to understand and accept his weakpoints and behaviour and have the determination for the need to change that weakpoint for a better self. One should learn the art to operate from happiness and not for happiness. Happiness is an attitude. To achieve victory in life is also an attitude, So lets grasp the tips of contributions as an opportunity to Personality Development in term of Attitude.
Attitude is more important than fact:
your attitude is more important than facts because positive attitude can empower you and consequently, when you are empowered, you are a solution to a problem rather than a victim to a problem, The positive attitude is you have never done something so logically earlier so do it! Take charge of your thoughts,You can make it and enjoying the glory of dwelling in such a space makes you a winner.
Failure is a pillar to success:

An easy task become difficult when you have a negative attitude, however a difficult task becomes challenging when you have a positive attitude. Treat your defeats as a lesson to victory.Good attitude makes you accept your mistakes and learn from them, Make yourself stronger with each defeat you have to endure and tolerate, gather more strength for your next attempt. So what, if you fail go for it again, check the mistakes you made and try again as long as you have the attitude to learn from failure and make yourself less failure and greater success, Success and more SUCCESS. Failure is your friend who make you realized your mistakes and help you to shape your future.
Used your rationality:
Let reason prevail over emotion because most often, one who thinks and decides through emotion without using reason develops negative attitudes and habits. Change your emotions.The quality of your life is the quality of your constant emotion. So when ever your emotion is low, don't ever let negativity overtakes you, No matter what the situation, be optimistic and positive. Cheer up! divert yourself from being emotional, manage your emotions and never let emotions controls you, think of a happy incident and smile thus, negativity runs away from positive people so, set Goals! Decide which emotion is best suited to achieve a desired result and lets live life to the fullest.
Make positive plan:
When one's fail to plan, he plan to fail. Do you plan to fail? Certainly not! So remember to plan in all that you do. Plan has values that connect to goodness and connect to a positive change in your attitude for a successful future ahead.

Flow and you will definitely grow in life through an attitude which will lift you beyond the vastness of life without getting stuck, endure, persist.. and attain victory.
A child learn to walk by falling again and again, Each time he falls, he rises up and persist until he finally made it up and later step by step he even can ran.
So friends I'll tell you that really Child is the father of men. Follow his example and make a determination plan that "I WILL NOT GIVE UP UNTIL I SUCCEED".
So keep flowing.... on and on for a continuous success.

Determination means having a strong will power to attain something better in ones life. If one develops his determination in whatever he plans or do, no doubt he will be successful in life. When a person determine to be somebody in life he will have a strong desire to achieve his goal so he is determine to work hard and here there will be no questions of likes and dislikes however it is all about Goal achievement and accomplishment.
To have determination practice these few tips below:
Be detemined:
make a list of easy plans that you have in your mind as a step by step instruction to do inorder to achieve your goal, as time passes by and you think that you can master these list easily, try to increase your lists and work out again.You will notice the degree of differences that you make, determine to accomplish your dream , plan for it and persists. you will fine that you are a winner of your own discipline. Being discipline always give you self esteem as everyone will have trust in you and undoubtedly you will be winner.
Use Tenacity:
Did you missed your first plan? Go for it again, check where your drawbacks lies, If you fail again, that is because you missed to check some of the drawbacks, so rechecked them again never give up easily. If others can do why not you persist...
Have patience:
Do not complaint! Make yourself stronger with each defeat , endure the pain or hardwork that you have given in for attaining your goals, even though if it likes a thorn piercing through a long distance of time, tolerate and keep travelling because the tear drops from your eyes will eventually turns to Diamonds the fruits of tolerance and hardship. Endurance is always lead to success and victory.
Thus Determination is a strong vitamin for better personality as it develops and caste all our fruits whether in physical or psychological. So go for for it now......

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