Sunday, October 7, 2012

A compassionate and moral self

Compassion means the ability to look at oneself with another person's eyes, that is the ability to place oneself under another person's shoes. Having a n understanding and kind heart makes one to have sympathy for others need. Sympathy is not a skill by which poeple can use once in a blue moon however, it must be a habit in helping oneself to understand others problem or difficulties and be understood by them.

Sympathy in action plays a vital role in spiritual development especially in todays competitive world where most competition is of WIN- LOSE consequences, however the compassionate and moral self here results most relationships to become WIN -WIN in a more friendly environment as for an example, If you help someone in his or her problems you will definitely have a possitive attitude that if you helps other to attain success and win, you yourself will be the first winner for being successful in pushing somebody to success and definitely you will be full of satisfaction deep down in your heart and you will be delighted to see the fruitful relationships that you shared with others.

In aWIN-WIN relationships, once people feel that you understand their problems, feelings, attitudes, needs they can trust you, they are more willing to understand you. Hence it become easier to communicate with, we win more friends and build a strong bond relationship to a better future.

Impact of sympathy:
Constant popularity:- People like being understood by you and start liking you, once they starts develop liking you, You gain popularity and respect from in and around the society at large.
The Successful you:
People want to see you succeed in life as they care about you as much as you do about them, They will do anything to help you gain victory for here, they knew that your victory also means their success and happiness. Hence in everyway you move you will see opportunity and in every apportunity you will find victory.
Lasting relationships:
None would like to loose a sympathizing friend. A compassionate friend is like a blessing in disguise to others who be friend with him. By being compassionate you build relationships and make it last ferever and cause your own growth and development for a better future. Life is nature and nature is harmony.
Hence, once you use sympathy in all your relationships no doubt you can honestly work on several goals each day with a positive feeling that you have done your best and result will automatically follow. It makes other feels good and makes you feel terrific too, this leads to more expectation of positive results, giving you a boost toward success.

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